Oak Forest Houston TX Builders | News & Articles at Lancaster Homes

Your Energy Efficient Home Builder in Houston

Written by John Burks | Dec 5, 2013 5:00:00 AM

Lancaster Homes Can Help You Make a Smart Investment

Lancaster Homes, an energy efficient home builder in Houston, Texas, can build your new home to be significantly more energy efficient than homes built to minimum code standards. If you want your new home to earn the ENERGY STAR® label, we can build it to meet the strict requirements set by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and go through the process for certification. Visit www.energystar.gov for more information about the ENERGY STAR program.

An ENERGY STAR builder partner since 2010, Lancaster Homes takes pride in building energy efficient and ENERGY STAR qualified new homes. These durable homes include features that save homeowners money, offer more comfortable indoor living, and help sustain the environment.

Benefits of an ENERGY STAR Home

Meeting the qualifications for the ENERGY STAR label is not easy. (Read about how new homes earn the ENERGY STAR.) It requires a lot of documentation, plus onsite diagnostic testing and inspections by a certified Home Energy Rater. But the benefits of an energy efficient / ENERGY STAR certified home make the extra effort and cost worthwhile.

An Energy Efficient Home Saves You Money

ENERGY STAR certified homes offer about a 20-30 percent savings on energy bills annually. During Houston’s hot summers, that 20-30 percent or so could be a significant cost-saving. You may also qualify for a Federal tax credit on your new energy efficient home purchase. Plus, ENERGY STAR certified homes are more durable, so you could save thousands of dollars in maintenance costs. If you decide to sell your home, the ENERGY STAR label is a good selling point.

Energy Efficient Homes Perform Better

In addition to the added durability and cost-savings, an ENERGY STAR certified home offers improved indoor air quality by reducing the amount of dust, pollen and other allergens in your home. Consistent temperatures across and between rooms provide a more comfortable indoor environment year-round.

Get Preferred Financing on an ENERGY STAR HOME

When buying an energy efficient home, your options for financing increase. You could be eligible for an Energy Efficient Mortgage (EEM), making it easier for you to qualify for a higher loan amount. If you are a veteran purchasing an ENERGY STAR certified home, you may qualify for a Texas Veterans Land Board (VLB) Home Loan. Talk to your energy efficient home builder or financial lender about special financing options.

Energy Efficient Homes Help Protect our Environment

In addition to all of the benefits you receive in the purchase of an energy efficient home, you also help protect our environment. Energy efficient homes help reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. You are doing your part to help reduce air pollution and save natural resources.

Buying a home is a major investment. Make it a smart investment by choosing to add energy efficient features to your new home and/or build it to meet the ENERGY STAR label.

Want to know more? Contact Lancaster Homes, your energy efficient home builder in Houston.